Welcome to the Tenant Zone
Whatever you dont find here, we will be happy to answer by phone or email. Just ask.
More useful information will be added regularly.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
Confirmation of accommodation
The landlord confirms to the Immigration Office that he has accommodated a tenant
Verify internet availability
and how it actually works with the internet
Minor repairs
What are you responsible for and what is the landlords` responsibility
Laws for people
General rights of tenants and landlords
Housekeeper / Handyman
whatever you need help with
Home insurance
The tenant cannot arrange insurance for furnishing and equipment that is a part of a rented home, as it is viewed as borrowed.
This is why tenants pay security deposit and they need to keep in mind their responsibility for the household.
The home insurance tenant buys only cover anything they bring to their home.
Liability Insurance
The liability insurance you might be asked to obtain will cover any damage you might cause to third party, like neighbours for example.
I definitely recommend arranging it, as it may happen that you cause someone a damage
that you will not be able to compensate from your own funds.
The insurance costs around 600-800 CZK per year and covers a lot more,
like if you bump into someone in public transport or on the bike path or a slope.
You can arrange it with any insurance company.
But if you have a pet, I recommend Generali Česká pojišťovna, as it is the only insurance company
that includes Pet Insurance in general Liability Insurance package.
Pet insurance
If you already have liability insurance and you only need to insure your four-legged friend
Pet insurance costs CZK 270 per year and covers damages caused to third parties up to CZK 1,000,000.
As part of this insurance, you can also arrange health insurance for your pet,
thanks to which the bill from the vet will not effect you ability to pay rent,if something happens to your pet.
Confirmation of accommodation
If you need a confirmation of accommodation for the Immigration Office, follow the link below,
which will take you to the page of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic with Forms and Enquiries.
The form is available in two versions, depending on the kind of landlord - general person or legal person (company).
Your landlord is the one who is listed in your Lease Agreement.
in the link below follow to:
Potvrzení o zajštění ubytování (fyzická osoba), if your landlord is a physical person
Potvrzení o zajštění ubytování (právnická osoba), if your landlord is a company or school
The form can be filled in by you or the landlord, but must be signed by the Landlord.
The landlord's signature must be verified!
He must therefore sign it in the presence of a notary or at Czechpoint (post office).
This service is paid. Always offer to landlord you will pay the fee. Most landlords will not want money from you, but be sure to ask.
You will submit the original at the offices, so make sure to ask for more copies for multiple offices.
Verify internet availability
The Internet will usually not be part of the rental offer, as it is a complication for the landlord.
If the internet is provided as a part of your lease, congratulations, you are an exception to the rule!
Usually, you will have to get your own contract with the provider, choose a package of services that suits you.
Providers usually will have some ad in the house, on the notice board, on the wall in the hallway.
In Prague, however, I would definitely recommend the former UPC, now Vodafone.
Here you can check availability at a specific address:
Landlord will usually be able to recommend a provider.
In some locations Vodafone is not available, but there will be others like O2, and even smaller local providers will not disappoint,
in Prague 6, for example, is excellent Pe3ny.net (except for the complete lack of English-speaking staff, feel free to call, we will help)
T-mobile is not bad either. Their Internet without a wire with a mobile router (I have one, because sometimes I need to take it somewhere with me and I don't want to be dependent on free wifi) is a good option and you can take it anywhere with you,
using your monthly plan rather than your mobile data.
Forms to Download
Here are the basic versions of documents that might be useful to you:
If you need an advice, call, we will be happy to help.
Energy transfer forms
You can fill in the forms directly in the browser and print them already filled out.
You don't have to run anywhere with the completed form, just print it out, sign it, both you and the previous user,
and then send the scan to the supplier.
If you don't have a scanner, just take a good picture with your mobile phone.
Sometimes the provider will want additional documents, such as your Lease Agreement.
They will usually respond immediately and if you provide everything, the transfer will be processed within few hours. No queues.
Electricity transfer PRE
Gas transfer PRE
Gas transfer Pražská Plynárenská
If you need an advice, call, we will be happy to help.
Laws for people
On the Laws for People page, you will find fairly understandable Civil Code rules.
In the link below, search for information on the lease of apartments and houses, ie § 2235 et seq. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.
§ 2235 et seq. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code
Although we often believe that what is written is given, it is not so.
The Civil Code is quite clearly on the side of the tenant and any wording of the contract that is in conflict with the code
is inadmissible in court. So you don't have to worry much if you have signed some unfavourable terms in the contract.
Check the wording of the code or call.
What we might not know, the lawyer will clear up.
Government Regulation on general maintenance and minor repairs
The Government Regulation on General Maintenance and Minor Repairs clearly specifies what you are responsible for
and what is the landlords` responsibility.
Unfortunately, sometimes it is incorrectly stated that you are responsible for repairs of CZK 1,000. This is not the case.
And it's good to know what might be additionally deductible from your security deposit and might be worth fixing before you move out.
According to the Government Regulation, you are responsible for:
a) precisely specified repairs without limitation of the repair cost (see downloadable document below)
b) all other repairs up to CZK 1,000 per repair
all this only up to the maximum amount of repairs in the conversion of CZK 100 per m2 of the apartment for 1 year.
So if you live in a 40m2 apartment, you might be expected to pay a maximum of CZK 4,000 per year.
Housekeeper / Handyman
Whether you live in an apartment or a house, homes require care.
Some things you can't do on your own, sometimes there is not enough time.
Don't worry, we have time.
What do you need help with?
Moving services
Pre-Christmas cleaning or one-off cleaning before family visit or return from a vacation
Regular cleaning
Refurnishing -delivery, assembly, removal of old furniture
Hanging a new light fixture, curtain rails, shortening of curtains to measure
Replacement of an old appliance (washing machine, refrigerator, etc.)
Gas boiler inspection
Minor household maintenance
Garden care
And many other services.
Whatever you need help with, ask, we can probably do it.